Editors Picks

Does yoga count as a workout?

Does yoga count as a workout?

Yes, yoga provides excellent training, but it won't do much for your cardiovascular health. Since it can be an aerobic...

How many principles of yoga are there?

How many principles of yoga are there?

Under the commandments of Yama and Niyama, he set out five principles to guide the way of life and five inner observances ...

A Guide To Using Functional Medicine Techniques For Better Results With Yoga In South Carolina

A Guide To Using Functional Medicine Techniques For Better Results With Yoga In South Carolina

Yoga is a great way to improve your physical and mental health, but getting the results you want can be hard without the...

Where yoga started?

Where yoga started?

Preclassical yoga The beginnings of yoga were developed by the Indus-Sarasvati civilization in North India more than 5000 ...

Which yoga is best for flat stomach?

Which yoga is best for flat stomach?

Here are 6 yoga asanas for reducing belly fat, Bhujangasana (cobra pose). Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana (dog pose with...

Why yoga is important?

Why yoga is important?

It brings together physical and mental disciplines for a calm body and mind; it helps to control stress and anxiety and...